I have questions.



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But Seriously




Me​ntal Health


do​ people still read blogs?

Does anyone read anymore? We live in a social media world, drawn by instantaneous ​actions and reactions, reimagined choreographed snippets, oversharing, overhyping, ​the juxtaposition of trauma and healing, love and loss, make-ups and break-ups. Shall I ​go on?

We consume it all!.... And yes I’ve included myself.

What started as ‘TT Finds a Friend’ (I never got it off the ground) and then to a failed ​business venture (I only created a website and paid for a couple unused subscriptions); ​I’ve now reimagined and shifted my creative and intrusive thoughts to this format.

My intention is not to inundate readers with thoughts that belong in a diary, long windy ​rants on a podcast, or a memoir I have no time to write. Would anyone care to read ​anyway?

Every day I’m inspired by something or someone. An article, a blog post, an interaction, ​a person, place, memory; you name it. In those moments of inspiration, I’m searching. ​Searching for clarity, meaning, purpose. Aren’t we all, if not many of us?

The whole idea is to regurgitate my scattered thoughts and memories and carve a ​meaningful post out of them. Hopefully you, the reader will follow along and reimagine ​your own interactions, find meaning in your intrusive memories and thoughts, seek ​clarity and understanding. I hope you’ll follow along with me every week.

Do people still read?

F​ollow a​n​d reach out to let me know!


Cream Crown Doodle
Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle
Friends Forming a Heart with Hands

What type of friend are you?

Friends. How many of us have them? Friends. Ones we can depend on? I recently took a friendship-style quiz. I ​know. I know. Assessments are skewed, but as the NYT article stated, “...this is not a formal diagnostic, and none ​of the friendship styles..” are better than others, but simply a quick questionnaire to help individuals, “better ​understand how you approach a social interaction.” The results also encourage me to stretch out of my comfort ​zone. I don’t wanna. Hear me out.

I have 3 friendship tiers: Friends, Homies, and Ride or Die. Friends are your run of the mill, I can talk to them about ​basic things that I may tell a stranger I’m never going to see on the street. Homies are people I kick it with. We go ​out to dinner. We exchange deep thoughts and experiences. Ride or Dies are homies on steroids. We do all of the ​above, but we take trips. I’ve probably smelled your morning breath (not on purpose), accidentally but not ​embarrassingly seen you naked; and most importantly, we have each other’s back. You call me at 3 am in tears ​because your aging parent went off on you about something mundane, I’m going to listen to you with care.

Around college age my mother told me that my Grandfather (her father) told her that a person is lucky to leave ​Earth with one true friend. That always resonated with me. Friends have certainly come and gone. Most people ​know the seasons, reasons and lifetimes for friendship. I see that too; but I’m the type of person that goes all in. I ​invest my energy in a person who is willing to invest in me. Hence the reason why I need levels cause I understand ​everyone isn’t there, and that’s cool. In another NYT article, a quote from Julianne Holt-Lunstad explained, ​“Friendships are chosen, and because of that, we need to intentionally make time for them.” I’m intentional with ​choosing and spending time with my friends. It’s important to me.

The friendship styles from this questionnaire range from Firefly, Evergreen, Butterfly, and Wallflower.

What type of friend are you?

Check out the NYT article here.


Friends Lettering Sticker